Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions careers:
- Chief of Governor’s Office (1 position)
- Manager Credit Guarantee Scheme (1 position)
- Risk Management Officer (1 position)
- Investment Management Officer (2 positions)
- Economy and Statistic Officer (2 Positions)
- Assistant Information and Technology (3 positions)
Detailed information concerning the application process, forms and the job description can be obtained at BCTL,s main office in Avenida Xavier do Amaral no.09 PO Box 59, Formosa-Gricenfor, Dili Timor-Leste or at the following website: https://www.bancocentral.tl/en/go/vacancies
The application must be submitted together with the following documentation:
- Curriculum Vitae (English or Portuguese)
- Cover letter in English or Portuguese including summary of relevant Experience
- Copy of Educational qualification and academic transcript ( list of subject grades)
- Copy of national identification document
- Copy of Police clearance certificate and
- Medical certificate
The application shall be addressed to:
Banco Central de Timor-Leste
Att. Division of Human Resources
The deadline for application is 7 Marc 2017. Applications received after this date or without all the required documentation will not be consider.
Applications are prohibited from contacting any employee, consultant or senior management from BCTL during the recruitment and selection proves. Any violation of this clause may result in the disqualification of the application.
Dili, 07 February 2017
Raquel Goncalves da Costa
Director of Administration