Economic Statistics

Economic Statistics

Banco Central de Timor Leste
O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços. • Banco Central de Timor-Leste • O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços.
Economic Statistics, 2016

Item  2013  2014  2015  2016  Source 
Total Population (in million) 1.18  1.212  1.183  1.279  NSD
Population annual average growth rate, (in %) 1.8  1.8  1.8  1.8  NSD
GDP, Oil and non-oil at current prices(in million US Dollars) 5.466  4,042  3,102  n/a NSD
GDP, non-oil, at constant prices ( in million US Dollars) 1.481  1,544  1,607  n/a  NSD
Growth rate of non- oil GDP at constant prices (in %) 2.7  4.3  4.0  n/a  NSD
GDP per capita current prices (in million US Dollars) 4,988  3,492  2,618  n/a  NSD
GDP per capita constant prices (in million US Dollars) 3,073  2,217  2,619  n/a  NSD
Consumer Price Index (Base year 2012=100) 104  103.9  103.2  103.3  NSD
Price indexes annual change, % (Dec-Dec) 4.0  -0.1  -0.7  0.1  NSD
Money Supply (M1) (in million US Dollars) 279.5  342.9  397.7  464.3  BCTL
Money Supply (M2) (in million US Dollars) 500.2  599.8  642.4  734.0  BCTL
Money supply (M1) annual change, %(Dec-Dec) 36  23  16  17  BCTL
Money supply (M2) annual change, %(Dec-Dec) 26  20  7  14  BCTL
INTEREST RATE (in % weighted averages)       
Demands Deposits 0.56  0.54 0.54  0.54  BCTL
Savings Deposits 0.75  0.75  0.75  0.75  BCTL
Time: 6 months 1.23  1.24  1.15  1.14  BCTL
12 months 1.32  1.31  1.25  1.25  BCTL
Bank Lending + LIBOR 12.48  13.11  13.88  14.46  BCTL
Total Domestic Revenues (Million US Dollar) 154,993  167,967  193,840  231,403  MoF
Total Expenditure  (in Billions US Dollar) 1,080,233  1,339,250  1,340,197  1,629,954  MoF
Finance :     
Petroleum Fund (in Millions US Dollar) 730,000,000  732,000,000  1,278,500,000  1,244,800,000  BCTL
Exports and Import, fob (in Millions US Dollar)          
Exports 15,183  13,868  16,282  18,210  DNS
Imports 490,219  550,080  651,989  443,606  DNS
Trade balance (475,036)  (536,212) (635,706) (425,396)  DNS
BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (in Million US dollars)     
Current account 2,390,107  1,093,183  199,447  527,957  BCTL
Capital account 20,130  13,745  29,006  29,865  BCTL
Financial account (2,564,102)  (1,378,097)  32,166  485,48  BCTL
Errors and omissions 42,687  105,107  40,844  144,168  BCTL
Overall balance 196,553  376,277  219,775  156,797  BCTL

Explanatory Notes:
1. Pupulation: National Statistics Department
2. Output and prices: National Statistics Department (National Account,2015)
3. Monetary Agregate: Central Bank of Timor-Leste
4. Balance of Payments refer to BPM6 : Central Bank of Timor-Leste
5. General budget of government of finance: Minsitry of Finance (Mof),Budget Books 1, 2016
6. General budget of government of finance from petroleum fund refer to BCTL transfer to government budget
7. *The amount import exclude USD notes.

                                                                                                                                                                Updated, 21 June 2017
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