Appointment of JS Associated Chartered Accountants a Special Manager of NITL, S.A. by BCTL

Banco Central de Timor Leste
O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços. • Banco Central de Timor-Leste • O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços.

Appointment of JS Associated Chartered Accountants a Special Manager of NITL, S.A. by BCTL

Appointment of JS Associated Chartered Accountants a Special Manager of NITL, S.A. by BCTL 06 | 12 | 2018
On 29 November 2018, The Governing Board of BCTL at an extraordinary meeting resolved to revoke NITL's insurance license and to appoint a Special Manager to liquidate NITL. clik here for complete.
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