Media Release on raising public awareness of E-Dinar Coin Advertisement

Banco Central de Timor Leste
O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços. • Banco Central de Timor-Leste • O Banco Central de Timor-Leste tem por objectivo principal alcançar e manter a estabilidade interna dos preços.

Media Release on raising public awareness of E-Dinar Coin Advertisement

Media Release on raising public awareness of E-Dinar Coin Advertisement 06 | 03 | 2017

The Central Bank of Timor-Leste has been made aware of a notice circulating on social media concerning an upcoming conference to be held in Dili on the subject of introducing a new form of money to Timor-Leste. The notice includes the following wording:

“The conference will be attended by high officials of the Ministry of Finance of the Central Bank and the Government, there will be negotiated a number of issues on giving a loan in the amount of billion to Timor country by E-Dinar Coin, as well as the complete replacement of the dollar by cryptocurrency.” 

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